
This section provides an overview of Matcha.

Matcha is an schema-first Golang REST framework built on top of the Chi router, where "schema-first" here implies:

  1. Your HTTP handlers must be two types via generics. One for the request and one for the response.
  2. Your HTTP routes must have an OpenAPI specification before you can register them as a resource.


matchaRouting (direct fork of chi)
matcha/middlewareMiddlewares (direct fork of chi/middleware)
matcha/ctxType-strict context for request and response
matcha/openapiOpenAPI specification builder using pure Go code
matcha/referenceAPI reference using the Scalar client
matcha/securityJSON Web Tokens (JWT), hashing, and encryption
matcha/emailSending emails over SMTP using HTML templates
matcha/cacheIn-memory and Redis caching
matcha/loggerSimple logging with syslogs format